
my friday gifts to you

Hey there pretties, it's another long weekend over here, so I'm in full on relaxing mode already. I swear, these "summer fridays" my work gives are the best thing to happen to me since salted caramel. I'm spending today's laying by the neighbourhood pool with a friend, taking full advantage of the fact that everybody else is at work. Hate me a little? Don't worry, me too.

Anyway, every summer lounge session needs an awesome soundtrack, and right now I have a killer one I just had to share! Two days ago I discovered this gorgeous kiwi . . .

. . . and have been listening to her non-stop ever since. And I do mean non stop. Her name is Lorde and depending on the song, she's a little bit Florence, a little bit Adele, a little bit Lana, and a whole lot Robyn. If you don't wanna check this out after that description then I really don't know what to do for you.

Oh, and she just so happens to be 16 years old. Yup. I know. If you need me I'll be out back lighting my underachieving ass on fire.

In other news, West Elm just released their fall newness, and it's really good. Sometimes I see their new lines and think "meh", but this one has me intrigued. For one, they've taken their first foray into hardware, and I am def on board with that idea. They've also introduced a few more sofa beds (you know how I feel about that), and some seriously sexy barstools. Pricey for West Elm, but good options if you're looking.

I also think this light fixture:

Is just begging for a coat of gold spray paint and a place in my dressing room. Sure I like what's there now, but this kicks it's butt long time.

And with that I am off! I hope you all have sunshine where you are, and more importantly, that you get to spend the whole thing soaking it in! See you on the other side lovelies xoxo

P.S. I have the mother of all giveaways coming up for you guys next week. Think original art. Think drop dead gorgeous. Think . . . well let's just say that whoever wins this one is gonna' be one lucky, lucky lady . . .

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  1. That is a great light fixture for sure. I'm very curious about this giveaway. I'll definitely be back to check it out!

  2. Ummm yeah, that light fixture is all kindsa gorgeous. And while you'd like to see it with a coat of gold, I can totally see in hanging over my dining room table sprayed yellow, pink, red, or some other poppy color!!!


Your comments make me borderline giddy! Thanks so much for taking the time!