
wallpaper weekly: mally skok just blew my mind

I know it's not technically wallpaper. It's upholstered walls. But it is CRAZY how much don't care. Cuz when Erin posted this to Instagram yesterday I just about lost my shit:

I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any better than that. Nope, scratch that, I'm positive it doesn't.

The house apparently belongs to Mally Skok, who is also responsible for designing this . . .


. . . and who I'm now so in love with that someone ought to be concerned. No really.

Y'all should know me better by now than to think I'm kidding about this shit.

P.S. thanks so much for the birthday wishes loves! You guys are all the sprinkles a girl could ever need.


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  1. I saw that yesterday too! I checked out her line of fabrics and wallpaper and I'm totally on board!

    PS: Happy belated birthday sweetie!

    1. Gorge right?? Also, so glad I'm not the only one who hadn't heard of her before!!

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! In love with the top one.

  3. Wow people - my head is spinning, thanks for all the love!! M


Your comments make me borderline giddy! Thanks so much for taking the time!